More often I see phrases like “modern WEB standards” or “with the best web industry practices” almost in each specification or description of idea. But what these “the best practices” and “modern standards” mean? What qualities and properties are we talking about? It is clear, that each expert has his own understanding, and from here, frequent misunderstanding.
In world aircraft construction this problem was accurately solved by means of describing requirements and characteristics to each generation of planes. There are still nuances and they will be, but the overall picture is clear.
I want to describe the experience and feelings which the user should endure using a website that his creator and the owner could call the website a V-generation site with full confidence. The main strategy of the website of the V generation is to make users happy.
Below you find my manifesto of a WEB developer, the ideals to which I will aspire, and the qualities and properties of my products.
Website of the V generation
Safe for the user and information which the user shares with the website or receives from it. These are usage of https, systematic update and tracking of possible holes and their elimination.
My identity and my privacy — currency which we will pay even more often for comfort and opportunity to obtain the information processed from hundreds of thousands of sources and grouped for us. So let it will always be safe.
Increase of trust of users and temporary use of this trust to WEB technologies is an important mission of everyone who has to deal with this topic.
Simple front-end, complex back-end
Everything works easy and immediately for the user, everything looks simple and clear. At the same time there is a real magic in “black box”. We obtain data on where our user is now, what the weather is there and what weather will be there where he goes in a matter of seconds. All transmitted data is ciphered, and in peak hours of loadings we imperceptibly and immediately connect new stagings. But, at the same time, the user doesn’t know (and shouldn’t) about thousands of calculations and megabytes of data running and processing.
Works with all devices
The website equally well works and is displayed on all types of devices and screens. The user loves gadgets and he wants you to love his gadgets in the same way.
I have found an interesting page on your website in subway using my phone, and have sent this reference to my friend designer to his office, who works behind a huge monitor. I want him to share the same experience and impressions.
Without distinctions of opportunities between the website and a mobile application
The user has got used to mobile applications and their functions. He doesn’t want to listen to your justifications about restriction of technologies and opportunities of browsers, it is your problem. He wants you to solve it.
They expect geolocation function and to see friends nearby both from your application and your website.
Beautiful and convenient
Hey, hundreds of websites are waiting for me to visit them! But I prefer yours. I can’t explain this feeling of comfort and aesthetic pleasure from everything that I see. But this website is so attractive that I want to lick the screen.
Always actual and relevant information
The user trusts the website and waits that we will provide the most actual and relevant information. If he needs weather, then weather near his house right now. If he needs to know a cost of pizza, then taking into account all wishes. The cost must be final, and her formation must be transparent.
Even more. I have come to you from Yandex on demand about purchase of trousers. And you, trying to save my time, at once, on the first page show me trousers which I gonna like.
Everything that can work offline, has to do it
I’m in subway and I read the most interesting article on your website and I want to give it a mark “Perfectly”. I have pressed this button, but there is no communication, but the website will process my request later when network appears.
How will it make it? I don’t know, I don’t want to think of it. I want the website to love me. When we were children, we didn’t ask where our parents took money for new jeans from. We just wanted jeans.
The website doesn’t require attention, it deserves it
Attention is now so difficult to receive. The website of the V generation doesn’t try to get my attention using cheap and dirty shots. The website of the V generation is done with loving care to the user, to problems and interests of the user, it doesn’t show advertising, it tells me story, and I want to give it my attention.
I visit a website of travel agency and watch 2 minutes video about Cuba. There is a plenty of such videos, but in it, I suddenly see a photo in bar in Havana and listen to my favorite song. How it happened? How is it possible? Now I completely give my attention to this video and website.
The website is always made and works personally for me
The website of the V generation has to love each of the users and think first of all what is necessary for the user, but not for the website.
I visit the website of construction materials and study prices of fittings, then timbering, cement. The website understands that most likely I am going to build a base, so it offers a special discount on everything for the base. In 2 months after purchase, it asks me about the base and whether I want to take advantage of a special offer only for me, on all goods connected with construction of walls?
The website is always glad to start communication with me
I like your website, I want to trace news, you should have news feeds everywhere I want. And, I don’t want to fill a feedback form and wait long, I want to write using chat right now and receive the answer at once. You think of me and of my comfort, don’t you?
Website, I feel your care of me and you are so cool that I am ready to share everything personal with you — a link to my account in a social network. You analyze color of my eyes, hair, clothes which I wear most often to offer me those collections and those color palettes which will suit me most of all.